The appointment of an insured expert is a right, no insurance company or mutual can oppose it under any pretext whatsoever (whether or not the guarantee is included in your contract). On the grounds of "cost reduction", some stakeholders do not hesitate to put pressure on the appointment of an insured expert ...
If you are victims of a disaster (fire, water damage, etc.) the Cabinet Expert du Sud Ouest will defend you and oppose its expertise to that of your insurance.
Your home has been damaged, this situation is difficult to cope with and you may have to move to a temporary home while the repairs are being carried out.
In this destabilizing period, you will have to discuss complex technical and legal files with your insurance company and its expert, with negotiations that are sometimes badly felt. Then it will be necessary to constitute the administrative file and later manage the repairs.
You have the right to have recourse to an insured expert.
He is your expert, at your side, to carry out his mission in your interest in front of the insurance expert. Its role is to manage the entire file with regard to the estimate of the damage you have suffered, that is to say to determine the sum to be claimed from the insurance.
But its role is also to:
Assist you immediately to take emergency measures
Request one or more down payments to the extent of urgency and needs
Help you assess legal, technical, administrative documents (reading the insurance contract, requesting a permit, etc.)
Manage the relationship with the insurance expert
Manage the relationship with technical and administrative stakeholders: clearing company, architect, town hall, design offices, etc.
Establish a loss statement: estimate of all your material, movable and immovable property, for an "official" value
Confronting your opinion with that of the insurance expert to rebalance the valuation of the goods that will be sent to the insurance company, this is a contradictory expert opinion or sometimes a second opinion
Help you plan and organize repairs or reconstruction of your home
Its mission begins upon your agreement in the hours or days following the disaster. It ends with an estimate of the damage, generally approved on the day the file is closed.
The intervention of the insured expert obviously comes at a price. Most of the time, it is based on the estimated damage amount, and typically represents 5 to 8% of that amount.
Many insurance contracts provide for all or part of the insured's expert fees to be covered. In all cases, we note that these fees are largely amortized by the capital gains made by our intervention.
If you do not promptly dispute the conclusions of the insurance or forensic experts, they will be considered as accepted by you.
After a certain time of waiting, it will be difficult to initiate an appeal.
If the conclusions do not suit you, it is necessary to respond quickly by opposing a technical report.
Ideally, it is preferable to have a technical report made before the action of insurance or legal experts. This report will clearly define the ins and outs. It will be difficult for the insurance expert to remain in his position.